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IDLE - Enum constant in enum class org.simplesim.examples.elevator.shared.Elevator.Event
IDLE - Static variable in class org.simplesim.examples.elevator.shared.Limits
IDLE_TIME - Static variable in class org.simplesim.examples.elevator.shared.Limits
INFINITY - Static variable in class org.simplesim.core.scheduling.Time
InstrumentationDecorator<S extends State,E> - Class in org.simplesim.model
Decorator to add instrumentation functionality to an agent.
InstrumentationDecorator(BasicAgent<S, E>) - Constructor for class org.simplesim.model.InstrumentationDecorator
intro() - Static method in class org.simplesim.examples.elevator.shared.View
InvalidSimulatorStateException(String) - Constructor for exception org.simplesim.simulator.Simulator.InvalidSimulatorStateException
isAfter(Time) - Method in class org.simplesim.core.scheduling.Time
isAlive() - Method in class org.simplesim.examples.gameoflife.CellState
isBefore(Time) - Method in class org.simplesim.core.scheduling.Time
isConnectedTo(Port) - Method in class org.simplesim.core.messaging.MultiPort
isConnectedTo(Port) - Method in interface org.simplesim.core.messaging.Port
Tests if the port is connected to another one.
isConnectedTo(Port) - Method in class org.simplesim.core.messaging.SinglePort
isConnectedTo(Port) - Method in class org.simplesim.core.messaging.SwitchPort
isEmpty() - Method in class org.simplesim.core.scheduling.HashedBucketQueue
isEmpty() - Method in class org.simplesim.core.scheduling.HeapEventQueue
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.simplesim.core.scheduling.EventQueue
Checks if the queue is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.simplesim.core.scheduling.MultiLevelBucketQueue
isEmpty() - Method in class org.simplesim.core.scheduling.MultiLevelEventQueue
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.simplesim.model.Domain
isEndPoint() - Method in class org.simplesim.core.messaging.MultiPort
isEndPoint() - Method in interface org.simplesim.core.messaging.Port
Tests if the port is the end point of a connection.
isEndPoint() - Method in class org.simplesim.core.messaging.SinglePort
isEndPoint() - Method in class org.simplesim.core.messaging.SwitchPort
isGoingDown() - Method in class org.simplesim.examples.elevator.shared.Request
isGoingUp() - Method in class org.simplesim.examples.elevator.shared.Request
isRoot() - Method in interface org.simplesim.model.Domain
Checks if this domain is the root of the model.
isSimulationRunning() - Static method in class org.simplesim.model.BasicAgent
Gets the status of simulation run.
isUrgent() - Method in interface org.simplesim.reasoning.AspirationAdaptation.GoalVariable
A goal is urgent as long as its value is below the limit.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form