Interface AspirationAdaptation.GoalVariable

Enclosing class:

public static interface AspirationAdaptation.GoalVariable
abstraction layer for the goal variables / objectives
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The step size of scale of the goal variable.
    When the limit is reached, the goal variable no longer is urgent.
    The current value of the goal variable.
    default boolean
    A goal is urgent as long as its value is below the limit.
  • Method Details

    • getLimit

      double getLimit()
      When the limit is reached, the goal variable no longer is urgent. The limit has to be a positive value.
    • getValue

      double getValue()
      The current value of the goal variable.
    • getIncrement

      double getIncrement()
      The step size of scale of the goal variable.
    • isUrgent

      default boolean isUrgent()
      A goal is urgent as long as its value is below the limit.