All Classes and Interfaces
Abstract base class for messages that are sent from one port to another.
Ports are used to send messages within a model.
Request to add an entity to a domain.
Agents are the acting entities of the simulation model.
Exception to be thrown if the current event is unknown.
This class implements a variation of the aspiration adaptation algorithm.
abstraction layer, has to be implemented by the callers actions
abstraction layer for the goal variables / objectives
Implements all basic functionality of an agent.
Implements all basic functionality of a domain.
Provides basic functionality needed by all entities within the simulation
Implements the core functionality of a simulator.
Agent representing a cell of the grid.
The state of the cell.
Request to move an entity from one domain to an other.
Interface for all model changes during simulation run time.
Exception to be thrown if a change request is unsuccessful.
Concurrent simulator for discrete event models using multiple threads
Simulator for concurrent time step simulation
Request to connect two ports.
Strategy for direct message forwarding.
Request to disconnect two port.
Domain are submodels of the simulation model.
Decorator class to enable dynamic changes of the model during simulation run.
Part of the dynamic elevator example
Example of a multi-domain agent system with routed messaging and dynamic
model changes
Part of the dynamic elevator example
Part of the dynamic elevator example
Basic interface to encapsulate elevator functionality and events
Class containing all relevant variables of the elevator state
Class encapsulating the elevator steering logic.
Basic event queue interface for all queue implementations of the scheduling
Performance test and comparison of various implementations of
Part of the dynamic elevator example
The Floor class models one story of the building and contains the level of the floor
Class to display chart, pareto front and xy-series of algorithm
Event queue based on a simple time to bucket mapping, each bucket containing
events with equal time stamps.
Event queue implementing a bucket strategy with a binary heap data structure.
Priority queue implementation of the
interface.Decorator to add instrumentation functionality to an agent.
Performance test and comparison of various implementations of
Contains all constants of the elevator simulation model
Part of the observer patter to be implemented by observers listening to the source.
Implements the observer pattern by means of an auxiliary class and pull-mode
Testing the aspiration adaptation strategy by a three-parameter optimization
of a two-objective problem.
Class for messages for direct (non-routed) message forwarding.
Interface for various strategies to forward messages during simulation
Exception to be thrown if there is an error in the process of message forwarding.
is the core element of a simulation model.Exception to be thrown if a port cannot be connected or disconnected.
Exception to be thrown if a port cannot be added or removed.
Exception to be thrown if a duplicate object is used where only a unique one
is allowed.
A multi-level queue is a layered event queue with three tiers suitable for a
large amount of events.
A multi-level queue is a layered event queue with three tiers suitable for a
large amount of events.
Port to send the same message to several inports.
Ports are used to send messages within the simulation model.
Request to disconnect two port.
Recursive version of a
.Request to remove an entity from the model.
Content of messages between elevator and visitor
Extension of an
to enable massage routing.Implements a domain suited for automatic message routing by using the message's address tag.
Special message class for using auto routing.
Implementation of
for the routing concept.Sequential simulator for discrete event models using a single threads
Simulator for sequential time step simulation
Simple implementation of a
as template for own implementationsSimple implementation of a
The simulator runs the simulation model.
Exception to be thrown if an invalid state occurs during simulation
Port to connect a port to exactly one other port.
Event queue backed by a
with each bucket containing events of
equal time stampsSorted list implementation of the
interface.The state contains the internal information of an
.Part of the static elevator example
Example of a multi-domain agent system with routed messaging and dynamic
model changes
Part of the static elevator example
Part of the static elevator example
Port to send a message to one of several inports.
Provides time and calendar functionality to scale and navigate the
simulation's time axis.
Basic interface to encapsulate visitor functionality and events
Class containing all relevant variables of the visitor state