Interface ModelEntity

All Known Subinterfaces:
Agent, Domain, Visitor
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicAgent, BasicDomain, BasicModelEntity, Cell, DynamicElevator, DynamicModel, DynamicVisitor, Floor, InstrumentationDecorator, Model, RoutingAgent, RoutingDomain, SimpleAgent, SimpleDomain, StaticElevator, StaticModel, StaticVisitor

public interface ModelEntity
The ModelEntity is the core element of a simulation model. It provides the most basic functionality needed by all entities of the model. These are:
  • unit identification (by name or address)
  • managing in- and outports
  • utility methods (parent reference, naming, toString, equals)
  • providing relevant exceptions
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • addToDomain

      void addToDomain(BasicDomain domain)
      Adds this entity to a domain.

      The domain becomes the parent of this entity.

      Note: Connection management has to be done externally by the caller!

    • removeFromDomain

      void removeFromDomain()
      Removes this entity form its parent domain.

      This method should never be called during a simulation cycle. If the entity could be removed from the domain, the entity's parent is set to null.

      Note: Connection management has to be done externally by the caller.

    • getAddress

      int[] getAddress()
      Gets the entity address. Can be null.

      Note: The address of the root domain is int[0]. Another dimension is added per model level. The value of each dimension is the index within the corresponding level.

      the address
    • getName

      String getName()
      Returns the name of this model entity

      Returns an empty string as default, may be overridden in derived classes.

      the name of this model entity, may be an empty string but not null
    • getFullName

      String getFullName()
      Returns the full name of a model, concatenating the names of the parent entities.

      Example: If A and B are parents of this entity and this entity is named C, then the full name is A.B.C

      the full name of this entity
    • getParent

      Domain getParent()
      Returns the parent domain of this model entity.
      the parent of this model
    • getLevel

      int getLevel()
      Returns the level of the entity within the model hierarchy

      Models may be organized in a hierarchy, so that each entity resides in a definite domain level of the model tree. The level information is generated when the getLevel() method is called first. The level of the root node is always 0.

      the level of this entity in the model hierarchy
    • getInport

      Port getInport()
    • getOutport

      Port getOutport()