Class RoutingDomain

All Implemented Interfaces:
Domain, ModelEntity
Direct Known Subclasses:
DynamicModel, Floor, SimpleDomain

public abstract class RoutingDomain extends BasicDomain
Implements a domain suited for automatic message routing by using the message's address tag.

Domains serve as a compartment for other entities within the simulation model. These entities may be agents or other domains. Therefore, simulation model are build as a tree-like structure with Domain as branching and Agent as leaf, resembling a composite pattern. The domain adds the following features:

  • offer message routing by adding a RoutingPort
  • give an overview of the entities contained in this domain
  • list all agents in this domain and its subdomains
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RoutingDomain

      public RoutingDomain()
  • Method Details

    • setAsRootDomain

      public void setAsRootDomain()
      Defines the domain as root domain of the model.

      Should be called from the constructor of the derived class or during model building. Only call once!